
 2年生は、これまで続けてきた課題探究をビジネス化していきます。その第一歩として、日本政策金融公庫 岩下様をお招きし「ビジネスアイデアの発想 ビジネスプランの考え方」と題して講義を行っていただきました。


On 27 April and 11 May, entrepreneurship lectures were organized for year 2 students as part of the school's integrated learning and research program.  Students have been researching on the SDGs since they were year 1 students, and they will be using their findings to create business proposals as a means for them to think about the practicality and funding sustainability of the ideas they proposed to achieve the SDGs. To provide students with the essential skills and knowledge to make business plans, Mr. Iwashita from the Japan Finance Corporation was invited to give a lecture on the concept of business and the business way of thinking.  

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